

Zu is a design and no-code agency responsible for creating incredible projects. Additionally, they are our go-to team for branding projects when we need reliable backup.

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See it live



Webflow Development


Original and immersive landing page that allows for exploring Zu Agency's offerings through playful animations and interactivity.


Zu Team

Zu is a well-managed team of designers and developers who skillfully explore the galaxies of design, no-code, and modern AI-related solutions (just like we do). Plus, they're our neighbors :)


It was one of those projects in which we were determined to stand out and introduce a unique and original approach. Our objective was to develop a website that not only captures attention and leaves a lasting impression, but also takes a deliberate and provocative stance, tailored to a specific user base. Our aim was to infuse playfulness and interactivity, providing an immersive experience.


Starting with simple wireframes, we presented the basic information architecture. Then, during the UI phase, we created several concepts that we discussed in joint workshops. Once the visual design was approved, we proceeded with implementation in Webflow, adding many interesting animations.